Burlington Court Book

A Record of Quaker Jurisprudence
In West New Jersey

Burlington is in Gloucester County New Jersey across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. In the late 1600s and early 1700s New Jersey was still divided into west and east parts. Burlington was in west Jersey.

John Test owned property in Gloucester County and he may have lived there at times. The court records reflect his participation in the community life.

View pdf of The Burlington Court Book: A Record of Quaker Jurisprudence In West New Jersey 1680-1709

Title Page of The Burlington Court Book

Introduction Part I

Introduction Part II

June 1680 Burlington Ct. Record

John Test forfeits a gelding when he fails to appear in court.

June 1690 - Plot for John Dubrois to Run Away Discussed at John Test's place (Inn) in Philadelphia

Pages 202-226

These pages show us aspects of the daily lives of the people of West Jersey. One of the justices on the court, William Biddle had been "a shoemaker in London; in West jersey he bought and sold much land, and is designated first as "yeoman" and later as "merchant." When a settler achieved economic success he might rise in the social scale too and become a self-made 'gentleman' --a metamorphisis not entirely unknown even to the democratic Quakers. (intro., xi)

"... in the the Burlington minutes the title gentleman [italics added] first occurs in 1689, appled to Edward Hunloke, merchant. Esquire is still higher, being reserved for dignitaries such as proprietor Daniel Coxe. (ibid., footnote 17)

On page 202 John Test is a defendant in a case but the case is settled out of court and withdrawn.

August 1698

Page 205: "Court of Sessions and court of Pleas held at Burlington, August the 8th 1698. Justices on the Bench John Tatham, Thomas Revell, Nathaniell Westland, George Deacon, William Emley, Thomas Bibb, Anthony Elton, Joshua Ely, Michaell Newbold, John Test.

Page 208: "John Tatham, Thomas Revell, nathaniell Westland, George Deacon, Daniell leeds, John Test, Thomas Bibb, Althony Elton Justices on the Bench."

Page 208: August 9, 1698 The court of Quarter Sessions held by adjournment...John Tatham, Thomas Revell,Nathaniell Westland, George Deacon, Daniell Leeds, John Test, Thomas Bibb, Anthony Elton Justices on the Bench.

November 1698

Page 208 Nov 3, 1698: "Justices on the bench John Tatham, Thomas Revell, Nathaniel Westland, John Jewell, George Deacon, Thomas Bibb, John Test, Michaell Newbold, Daniell Ledds, Esquires."

On page 215: "a Return was then made by John Test of a way laid out from his Mill to Richard Fennimores land...."

October-November 1699

Page 226 Oct. 12, 1699 The Court of Appeales held by adjournment at Burlington. Justices on the Bench John Jewell, George Deacon, Anthony Elton, John Test.

November 3, 1699 Page 223 The Governour present. Justices on the Bench Thomas Revell, Nathaniell Westland, John Jewell, George Deacon, Daniell Leeds, Joshua Ely, Michaell Newbold, Anthony Elton, John Test.

Page 225 The Court opened Post meridiem. Justices on the Bench Thomas Revell, Nathaniell Westland, John Jewell, George Deacon, John Test, Michaell Newbold.