John Test:
Land Purchases and Sales
in Chronological Order


June 11 -- Malster purchase. See The Malster Receipt and sale of 100 acres of this land in 1688.


John Test bought from Niels Matson about 22 acres on 31 Jan 1675 (OS) = 11 Feb 1676 (modern calendar). When surveyed it was determined to be 200 acres. On 25 June 1676 (NS) John Test sold this same 22 acres to Richard Guy.


March 12 -- Taking 400 acres near Upland, (later Chester) Pennsylvania. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 87.
[Citation: Edward Armstrong, The Record of the court at Upland, in Pennsylvania : 1676 to 1681. Philadelphia: J.M. Mitchell Co., 1959,
Available online at Heritage Quest -- Search under books/Record of the Court at Upland]

March 12 -- 200 acres bought from Jonas Juriansen Kien. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 90.

March 12 -- Sold the 200 bought from Jonas Juriansen Kien to Marmaduke Randell a London merchant. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 90.

November 12 -- Walt: Wharton, surveyor, layed out 400 acres called Hoopwell of Kent. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 126.


November 25 -- John Test sold 200 acres to Richard friends [sic]. This 200 acres was originally granted by patent by Governor Francis Lovelance to Neeles Mattsen. Mattsen sold it to John Test, John Test sold it to Rich Guy, who sold it to John Hayles who sold it again to John Test. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 146.

November 25 -- Henry Hastings sold 200 acres to John Test on the west side of the Delaware River a mile above Pietquessink Creek. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 148.

November 25 -- Albert Hendrix of Lamoco sold to John Test a narrow strip of land of about "fourthy acres". The Record of the Court at Upland, pp. 149-150.

Novmeber 25 -- John Test sold above narrow strip of land to Richard Boveington and John Grub. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 150.

November 25 -- John Test sold a tract of land of 400 acres called Hopewell of Kent to Richard Boveington and John Grubb. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 150.

November 25 -- John Test sold to William Woodmancy 100 acres from a tract of 400 acres. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 151.


March 10 -- John Test granted 100 acres provided he makes settlement and improvements according to law, regulations and orders. The Record of the Court at Upland, p. 158.


Purchase of two Philadelphia lots.


Bought 150 acres on the Northside of Long Harryes or Redbank Creek from Richard Lawrence of Lower Hooke, West Jersey. New Jersey Patents and Deeds, page 410.


Sold to Hance or Hans Peterson for £75 a city lot in Philadelphia between James Claypool to the east and John Boult to the southward with Chestnut St. and to the west with third st. front.


Purchase of Lot on the Delaware River at the southeast corner of Walnut and Front Street: the location of The Skales inn.

I count 18 purchases or sales of land in Pennsylvania
Not counting the Malster purchase nor the lots in Philadelphia, In Eight transactions he purchased, on the western side of the Delaware River 1,850 acres
and in four transactions he sold 900 acres, netting a plus 950 acres.