New Jersey Indian Deed

This is a copy of the deed as it was recorded by the New Jersey Archives

Transcription by Robert Test

The Indian Deed to Jon Test

Be it knowne unto all people & nations(?) who soever by the presents that Wee Okeman,Quiatemans, & Awisham the true & undoubted owners as by Natural Right & Interest of all & Singular that tract tract of land Scittuate lying & being within the province of west Jersey being bounded as followeth Beginning at the most upper most line Of Thomas Graves Land & from thence Running to Aquilla Barbers land & from thence running to a Run Called Hugh Hutchings Runn & from thence Running to the Main Branch of Salem Creek.

We the aforesaid Natives for & in consideration of two pounds one piece of Eight & one quart of Rum, as aforesaid for several other valueable Consideracons already in hand paid by John Test of the County of Salem in the Province of West Jersey Gentleman and also for diverse other good Causes & consideracons ???? Have Given Granted Bargained Sold & Confirmed, And by those presents doo Give Grant & Confirm unto him the said John Test his hiers & assignees for ever all that tract of Land bounded as aforesaid

and doo for our [ _______]our successors and all & any & other of Uss do Quit Claim & by those presents doo /readon ise & Release and Quit Claim for ever unto him the said John Test his heirs & assignees for ever all the Estate, Right, Title [??ir \?] claimed & demand whatsoever which [ ] the said Natives before Named Now have or had on which our heirs or any {afour ] heires of any of our heirs or our Natives or shall have unto the said Tract of Land the premises which all & every the shall & will from or any our hiers or our natives shall have unto the said tract of land the premises which all & every the appurtenances there unto belonging or apportioning To Have & To Hold this said land & promises unto the said John Test his hiers and Assignees forever. To the onely _ & ____ of him the said John Test his heirs & assignees forever.

To The Only ---& creese of him the said John Test his heires & assignees for ever.

__And the(?) said Natives before Named shall & will from time to time & at all times hereafter _____ & ____ ____ ____ Warrant and Defend him the said John Test his heirs and assignees forever Jn _______

Where of we have Here unto set our hand & Seales this 16th Day of June AD 1703.

Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
Samuel Hedge
Samuel Hedge Junior
Jn Hopmar
Jon Child
John Dikason
Jon Smith
Carlos Ange
Benj Bonoll
John Holme

Recorded the 9th of August
Samuel Hedge Recorder

Signed & Sealed their marks
alias Capt John

Posted May 2018