John Test in the Records of the Gloucester Court

These are the records Court at Gloucester from the volume titled The Organization and Minutes of the Gloucester County Court 1686-7

There does not seem to be a copy of this book freely available on the internet at this time. These pages are from

1st day 2nd Month 1687 (i.e., April 1687 by the modern calendar)

John Test Fined For Not Doing His Share of
Building Road Between Burlington and Salem

1st day 4th Month 1687 (i.e., June 1687 by the modern calendar)

More on The Road Between Burlington and Salem

1st day 7th Month 1687 (i.e., September 1687 by the modern calendar)

John Test Sues Because Construction of
A House Delayed by Scarcity of Nails

1st day 10th Month 1687 (i.e., December 1687 by the modern calendar)

John Test on Grand Jury

1st day 1st Month 1687/8 (i.e., 1688 by the modern calendar)

John Test on a Jury

John Test on a Jury

September 1686

Trover – One of the old common-law Forms of Action:
a legal remedy for conversion, or the wrongful appropriation of the plaintiff's Personal Property.

Source: The Organization and minutes of the Gloucester County Court, 1686-7 [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: The Organization and minutes of the Gloucester County Court, 1686-7 : some loose papers pertaining to our earliest court. Also, Gloucester County ear mark book, 1686-1728. Woodbury, N.J.: Gloucester County Historical Society, 1984.