John Test
Land Purchases and Sales

As Recorded in Patents and Deeds Vol. 21
and Other Early Records
New Jersey

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Original Records are Available at the New Jersey State Archives
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The documents linked in the table below are provided for convenience.

Title Page 1 Title Page 2 Place Names of Salem Co., N.J.
Preface page ix
Preface page x
Preface page xi
Preface page xii

John Test in New Jersey Patents and Deeds
1675 - 1686 1687 - 1688 1689 - 1696 1697 - 1703
June 1675
Page 564
Agreement to survey and purchase land

The Original Document

7th mo. 1687
Page 649
Sale of land formerly owned by John Test
May 1689
Jan 1689
Page 657
John Test of Philadelphia, inn holder purchase 100 acres on Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co.
April 1697
Page 676
Reference to land formerly owned by John Test inn holder
April 1679
Page 548
Warrant for Survey of 1,000 acres
Aug 1687
Page 584
John Test of Glocester Co., West Jersey, gentleman, purchase of 100 acres on Allawayes Creek
Sept 1689
Page 654-655
Unknown reference to John Test
March 1698
Page 504
Release of mortgage on mill and plantation
Feb 1684/5
Page 579
Surveyed for John Test
Aug 1687
Page 585
John Test, gentleman purchase of 300 acres on southside of Mun Mouth River
12 mo. 1689/90
Page 680
Reference to sale of land next to John Test
Dec 1699
Page 673
Reference to John Test land
9th mo. 1684
Page 357
Thomas Hester Purchase
Aug 1687
Page 591
John Test, gentleman purchase 500 acres on Mun Mouth River
Page 183
Jacob Leppencott Estate
March 1702/3
Page 661
1693 John Test of Philadelphia, inn holder sale of 484 acres on Woodbury Creek
May 1686
Page 657
Deed to John Test, yeoman, for 150 acres
Page 552
200 acres adjoining John Test's 1000 a. at Allowayes Creek
Sept 1690
Page 658
John Test purchase of 54 acres in West Jersey
March 1702/3
Page 683
1702 John Test of Salem, yeoman, sold 100 acres of 4000 a. bought of Sarah Welch
May 1686
Page 410
Sold 150 acres
May 1688
Page 600
John Test, gentleman, purchase 100 acres on Mun Mouth River
March 1696
Page 495
860 Acre Plantation sold to John Test, merchant
June 1703
Page 639
John Test, gentleman, purchase of land on Salem Creek from Okeyman, Quiatemans and Awisham alias Capt. John, Indians

Indian Deed

I count 20 sales or purchases of land in New Jersey.
Purchased: 3,414 acres and sold 984 acres. Net of 2,430 acres.
This is not counting the acquistion of the Lippincott estate nor the purchase in 1703 from Okeyman, Quiatemans and Awisham.
By my crude calculations, at the end of his life he possessed 950 acres in Pennsylvania and more than 2,430 acres in New Jersey. This yields a total of 3,380 acres equal to about 5 1/4 sections.

Monmouth River, Mun Mouth River
or Alloway Creek

Salem County

ALLOWAY CREEK - From early times, Alloway Creek has been an important waterway in Salem County. Along its banks many of the first plantations were established, ship-building was carried on, and mills of various kinds flourished on its branches. Alloway Creek has had at least six names:

Aloes River or Creek

Cotton River - said to be so-named by the early New Haven Colony because of the cottonwood trees along its banks. The name could also be a corruption of Korten River

Short River or Korten River - so-called by the Dutch when they gained possession of the Delaware River. One of the early maps shows this as Korten River - "Kort" being Dutch for "short".

Monmouth (or Munmouth) River - takes the name from Monmouth Precinct, which comprised Lower and Upper Alloway Creek and Quinton townships. This name was given the precinct by John Fenwick in honor of the Duke of Monmouth.

Source: Place Names of Salem Co., N.J.